Recognized as an Established Researcher (Certificate R3) by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Core member running the British Academy Research Project ‘Commodities of Empire’.
Member of the IBC Multidisciplinary Research Network on Intellectual Property Rights.
Member of UPF’s Research Group on Empires, Metropolises, and Extra-European Societies (GRIMSE).
Funded Projects
Since 2007 I have participated in 17 research projects and served as Principal Investigator of 5 of them.
Currently, I am Co-Principal Investigator of the project “Technology and the Environment in Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Mexican Gulf-Caribbean: Rethinking agro-industrial and livestock production, c. 1840s-1930s” (AMBTEC), funded by the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI): PID2023-149806NB-I00. (amount: 85.000 €).
Additional Professional Activity
Member of the editorial boards of Technology and Culture; Artefact; Global Epistemics; and Illes i Imperis — for the latter I am also the book review editor.
Co-convener of the Consortium for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine Working Group on Latin America.
Elected to the Governing Board (2020-2025) and the Executive Committee (2024-2027) of the International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property Rights (ISHTIP).
Member of the Scientific Committee of the book collection Global Matters (Techne, Brepols).
Reviewer for several academic journals, including History of Science, Enterprise & Society, Technology and Culture, History of Technology, Journal of American History, and The Hispanic American Historial Review as well as for book publishers such as Bloomsbury, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Rowman & Littlefield, MIT Press, Palgrave, and Johns Hopkins University Press.
External Expert Reviewer: Consolidator Grants (ERC) and CIVIS3i-COFUND Fellowships.