David Pretel awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant
David Pretel has been awarded an European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant of 2 million euros for his project "Wild Rubber in the Industrial Age: A Global History of Production (WILDHIST)"....
Presentation at the University of Oslo
Saul Guerrero and David Pretel will present their work on silver refining at the workshop Geosciences, Knowledge and Property Rights Workshop, University of Oslo. The research group History of...
Call for Papers: ISTHIP Workshop on Intellectual Property and Capitalism
The 16th Annual Workshop of the International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property (ISHTIP) will be hosted by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, 25-26 June 2025. Call for...
Presentation at the History of Science Society Annual Meeting
I will convene and present at the roundtable "Mexican Commodity Frontiers and the Making of Knowledge" and chair the session "Fiber Histories" from November 7 to 10, 2024, in Mérida (Yucatán,...
4-year MCIN-AEI project awarded to David Pretel and Leida Fernández
David Pretel and Leida Fernández Prieto have been awarded a major research grant for their 4-year project, “Technology and the Environment in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Mexican Gulf-Caribbean:...
David Pretel receives a Jose Castillejo Fellowship for a four-month stay at KCL
Presentation at the 7th Conference of the Caribbean Economic History Association
I am co-organizing a double panel on the global history of Caribbean natural colorants and presenting a paper on how logwood resisted substitution during the synthetic age. Mexico City, 6-8 November...
Workshop discussant at the University of Birmingham
I will be a discussant at the British Academy "Commodities of Empire" Workshop "Provisioning Conflicts: Food Commodities & War", held at the University of Birmingham on 12-13 September 2024.
Presentation at the World Congress of Environmental History
I will present on "Workers and Disease in the Tropical Forests of the Yucatan Peninsula" and co-convene the panel titled "Pests and Diseases: Non-Human Actors in Commodity Frontiers" at the...
Lecture: “Afro-Latin America and Transatlantic Slavery”
On July 1, 2024, from 17:30 to 19:30, I will give the lecture 'Afro-Latin America and Transatlantic Slavery' on the opening day of the CIVIS European Course Latin America: Contested Territories.
New book: Colours, Commodities and the Birth of Globalization
Carlos Marichal and David Pretel, Colours, Commodities and the Birth of Globalisation: A History of the Natural Dyes of the Americas, 1500-2000 (London: Bloomsbury, 2024).
Workshop participation at Stanford University
I will discuss my work on the Visual Representation of the Henequen Industry at the "Aesthetics and Design of Latin American Technology" Workshop, held at Stanford University from May 22-26, 2024.
Seminar presentation at UNAM, Mexico City
David Pretel: "Patents and Development in Latin American History", Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades, UNAM, Friday 3 May at 11 am
New publication: “Latin America in the Global History of Technology”
In L. Hilaire-Perez, G. Carnino and J. Lamy (eds.): Global History of Technology (Brepols, Global Matters series): 233-249.
Seminar presentation at Universidad de Granada
Seminario Investigación EURAME, Aulario de Posgrado B2, 4 de Marzo, 12:00h. David Pretel, "Más allá del extractivismo: selvas tropicales como paisajes industriales (1820-2024)".
New chapter in the Oxford Handbook of Commodity History
David Pretel, "Towards a Technological History of Commodity Production,"in Curry-Machado, J., Stubbs, J., Clarence-Smith, W., and Vos, J. (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Commodity History (Oxford...
David Pretel invited as keynote speaker for the “National Historiographies of Techniques” congress
28-29 September 2023, Paris, (EHESS & Musée du quai Branly)
New article published in the journal History of Science
Saul Guerrero & David Pretel, “Silver Refining in the New World: A Singularity in the History of Useful Knowledge”.
Award: David Pretel’s won an honorable mention for the best article in Economic History by the CMCH
The article 'Reacciones en cadena: cambio tecnológico global y frontera forestal en la península de Yucatán (ca. 1850-1950)' , published in the number 227 of the Historia Mexicana Journal, was...
Presentation at the Symposium: Between History and Memory, Between Slaves and Plantations
I will present on the visual history of the Mexican haciendas at the International Symposium: Between History and Memory, Between Slaves and Plantations, which will be held on May 26, 2023, at...
Invited discussant: ERC-Passim Workshop Patent Futures, a History
Mundaneum, Mons, Belgium, April 26-28, 2023. Come and meet the entire ERC-PASSIM team and our special invitees: David Pretel, Autonomous University of Madrid and Katarina Nordqvist, Swedish Ministry...
New article published in the journal Technology & Culture
David Pretel, "Hidden Connections: The Global History of Jungle Commodities", Technology and Culture, vol. 64 no. 1, 2023, pp. 202-219. Go to full article.
Workshop Presentation: European History Beyond Borders, EUI, Florence, 8-9 December 2022
I will be presenting on methodologies and sources for a global history of tropical forest commodities.
Presentation at the 19th World Congress of Economic History
I will present and convene a session on Natural Dyes of the Americas, serve as a discussant at the Technology as a Resource in the Premodern World session, present a paper on Silver Refining in...